340) Uncle Tom's Cabin of Rosemount, Dundrum, D14
Named for Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel of 1852. The sepia-toned photos on the walls offer an array of glimpses into Dundrum's past. An Italian barmaid pours an attractive Beamish but is wont to wastefully let the water run. The place is voluminous, with complement of car park, and all in all is not unpleasant, yet lent a distinct chill by its proximity to the Central Mental Hospital, whose intensely foreboding walls, towering twenty feet or more, scowl darkly at the bar from the other side of the street, making for uneasy tippling. One eyes one's fellow clientele with a gnawing and niggling anxiety: how many customers herein seated shall soon make the journey themselves into (and not over) the cuckoo's nest?
ENDNOTE: The pub was bought by a band of builders in 2019 and is set to be (with its surrounding area) redeveloped. Can anyone guess what they’ll build? H is for Hotel.
Central Mental Hospital’s intensely foreboding walls.
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