404) Roe & Co. Distillery of James’ Street, The Liberties, D8
Technically a whiskey distillery, but also contains a hidden bar at the back called the POWER HOUSE BAR that dispenses stout (at a none-too offensive price either, let it be noted). You can skip the tour and the museum if you want, they won’t begrudge you, but by all means take it if you’re a whiskey buff, as Andy Stephens very much is. A veteran of said tour, he was fondly and familiarly greeted by the staff - ‘Have you been here before?’ they said, sarcastically-like. Some fifteen bottles of Roe and Co. he must have bought.
Walk through the gift shop, go through the doors at the back and take a left
The place is happily open on Mondays but very much shut on Thursdays. In honour of the occasion and the place, Mr. Stephens took a nip of Non Chill Filtered original Roe & Co. whiskey bottled at an impressive 45% alcohol with his pint, a tall and a small as is only proper (yet a dangerous way to begin a potential crawl!). Both were delicious and at a bargain price of only €10 for both! An NYC vibe discernible in the bar, which comes complete with exposed pipes in the ceiling, making it somewhat Pompidou-esque. Nosing glasses for whiskey are provided.
Our seats were right beside a massive window that hosts a great view of the empty factory beyond, with shades of the same pipe and vat-laden mess such as would transform a Jack Napier-cum-Nicholson into a Joker full and proper. This same window and surrounding floor came bedaubed with a plentiful share of streaks and spats of bird shit, making it reminiscent of a particularly fine and evocative Jackson Pollock paining, perhaps of the Lavender Mist period (which title itself has a whiskey-soaked ring to it!).
A note has been taken regarding the excellent service provided - they are also prompt to provide you with very full bottles of water even before you finish opening your mouth to order - hats off to this hydration help. All in all, a very fine addition to D.8.
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