39) Pacino's of Suffolk Street, D2
Predominantly for foodies, with pizza hogging the menu. During an Open Reading downstairs (the only section of this place that even halfway earns the title of 'pub', rendering its presence on this list something of an anomaly and a space-filler), Seamus Whitty narrowly avoided a fist fight with Ronan Murphy. Whitty approached a small group of people (which included Murphy and his ‘Cinderella Shoe’ Laura Wilkinson) who were talking quietly amongst themselves and proceeded to gather them into a huddle and said: ‘do you have to be such inconsiderate cunts?’ This line of enquiry made Murphy’s fuse blow and he threatened Whitty thusly: ‘you say anything like that to us again and I’ll kick the fucking shit out of you.’ After some gesticulating Murphy went on to ask: 'D'you want to take this outside?...'. Whitty eventually folded and apologised deeply when he realised that Murphy wasn’t messing.
Chubby chap spreading some POSITIVE ENERGY
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