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237) Bride’s of Mountpelier Hill, D.19

A figment of imagination, a mistaken note taken, a drunken delusion, a projection of two grooms, an inn in the fog, an illusory bar, a false lounge, a vision pub, a distant local, a Beamish bonder. The Addison Cemetery. The Barkeep Lloyd. The Bucket of Crud. St Colmcille's Well. Woodtown Cemetery Lounge. Massy’s. The Hellfire Pub. The Phantasy Room. The Interrogation Point. The Lying Tavern. The House of Mirrors. Bar 666. The Wife on the Whiskey. The Whistling Gypsy. The Drunken Dream. The Cul-De-Sac. Imperthnthn thnthnthn. The Haunted House. The Barman’s Graveyard. Room 237. The Thirsty Hirst and Spooner.

The Doused Bible. The Biddys Wake. The Cabin’s Mistake. The Shameful Heaney. Bully’s Acre. The Pleasure Garden. The Burn Chapel. The Sham Squire. The Hanging Judge. The Big Interrobang. Captain Howdy’s. The 27 Club. The Tuning Fork. The Punch House. The House of Tyrone. The Edmund Bracer. The Apse and Nave. The Sinking Ship. The Sloppy Keg. Davie Burns. Rays Drop. ‘Knot Wadded Seams.’ The Divine Debauchee. The Lord of the Drunks. The Mad Monk. The Benign Comedy. The Fake Farolito. The Deadly Dingo. The Green Man Inn. The Wooden Man Tavern. The Blarney Kiernan’s. The Heartbreak House. The Naggin Inn. The Dim in the Din. The Nobody Inn. The Dead End.

The Wooden Snail. The Big Sprig. Multiple Miggs’s. The Cocklepickers. The Freeman Baton. The Heart Bowed Down. The Milky Way Bar. The Ringsend Strait. The Rotunda Tavern. The Innless Inn. The Taverns Fault. The Tap Won. The Village Idiot. The Widower Ryan’s. The Kirrary Village Inn. The Stray Saloon. Bride’s Iveagh Baths. The Museum Rest. The Wayward Room. The Empty Womb. The Sailor’s Gallon. The Scotch House. The Happy Birthday Inn. Brideshead Unvisited. The Dude Under the Dome. Grumpy Jacks. The Embankment. The Spasming Asshole. The Wild-Goose Place. The Willow Warbler. The Dalkey Dick. The Raven’s Quoth. The Bride and Tomb. The Heavy Web. The Hemorrhaging Horse. The Naomh Éanna. The Emery Cross Inn. The Inn Moderation.

The Innvincibles. The Judas Inn. The Innocent Sin. The Mystery Withinn. The Screwed Freddy Malinn. The Mephistophelean. The Empyrean. The Innuendo. The Collins Croninn. The Anne Devlinn. The Decameroom. The Inn Sobriety. The Dead Centre. The Interred Inn. The Stag’s Dead. The Flowing Bride. The Knapweed and Yarrow. The Curly Pube. All Over Bond’s. Brian Flann Myles O'Brien O'Nolan Na gCopaleen’s. The Cruiskeen Lawn. The Hot Chocolate Log. The Mysterious Sweetcorn. The Little Weakness. The Broken Drum. The Slaughtered Lamb. The Leaky Cauldron. The Nags Head. The Bar Without Doors. The Missing Link. The Kitchen Sink. Einstein’s Tongue. The Tweedy-Flower. The Quivering Clitoris. The Roman Collar.

The Lonely Lolita. The Bang Bang Bar. The Innkeepers. The Quiet Cohan's. The Drunken Clam. The Brass Castle. The Gentleman Loser. Harry Hope's Saloon. The Korova Milk Bar. The Last Resort. The Cat at the Cow’s Udder. The Butcher’s Dog. The Hairy Flaps. The Prancing Pony. Sunlight Chambers. The Neutral Corner. The Pilgrim’s Unrest. The Queen's Haemorrhoids. The Closing Door. The Hogs Head. The Blue-Eyed Raven. The Weeping Liver. The Underworld Inn. The Lost Virgin. The Broken Hymen. The Mystical Rib. The Celestial Rose. Mother Red Caps.

The Nook and Cranny. The Cock and Pussy. The Mended Drum. The Curly Teapot. The Dropped Pie. The Dripping Tree. Michael Fury’s. The Angry Whistler. The Last Piaster. The Paternoster. The Rickety Ship. Eamonn Doran’s. Judge Roy Beans. The Sdrawkcab Inn. The Office Inn. The Silicone Moose. The Split Gavel. The Taoiseach’s Head. The Prime Minister's Arse. The Tenters. The Lost Shebeen. The Crying Bride. The Sick Whale. The Nymph Immortal. The Terrified Gaddafi. The Bilious Clock. The Raven. Owl at the Moon. The Swallow Inn. The Heron’s Bill. Nightjars. The Swim Duck. Jackdaw’s Tavern. The Siskin Finch. The Crow’s Hood. The Godwit Beak.

The Happy Warrior. The Pet Brick. The Ouzel Galley. The Sipping Pipe. The Married Mistress. The Naked Trout. The Muddy Mouth. The Lonely Lighthouse. The Black Eagle. The Glass Steeple. The Doctor’s Orders. The Dolphin Inn. The Pearl. The Old Grinding Young. The Soggy Sock. The Squelchy Shoe. The Wandering Jew. The Hiccup Inn. The Looney Bin. The Wooden Key. Mary Brice’s. Joan Spark’s. The Outpatients Post. Bartley Dunne’s. The Brewery Bar. Napper Tandy’s. Judge Darley’s. The Urdu Inn. The Popping Spot. The Greasy Neck. The Crying Kidney. The Red Herring. The Goblet of Smack. Larry Cotter and the Chamber of Secretions. The Lard of the Flies. The Cow's Udder. The Hannibal Hat. The Confectioners Hall. Lemon’s Lounge. Larry O’Rourke’s. The Eightday Licence. The Sugarbin.

Aurora Inn. Finn McCool’s. The James Joyce. Dahmer’s Glasses. Bono’s Glaucoma. The Prince Andrew. The Courbet Bush. Bully’s Acre. The Pleasure Garden. The Burn Chapel. The Sham Squire. The Hanging Judge. The Rouge Horse. The Unforgivable Divil. Anthony’s Muzzle. Mick’s Spirits. The Jaunty Car. The Bar Mitzvah. The Straight Banana. The Beamish Bore. Chariot Inn. The Cappagh House. The Rose Bowl. The Jolly Topper. Tunney’s. The Concorde. Grand Canal Tavern. Streets. The Fleet. The Slaughtered Lamb. The Duck Inn. The Elbow Inn. The Ring of Feathers. The Bald Walnut. The Apache Cache. The Fountain Circler. Puller's Wrist.

The Dog's Bollocks. The Finnegan's Fake. The Ulyassist. The Lonely Pelito. The Saggy Buttocks. The Michael Keaton. The Ghoul and the Pussycat. The Richard Bourbon. The Oliver Mead. The Black Pits. The Grime and Blandishment. The Sterile Testicle. The Other Side Of The Wind. The Ghost at the Feast. The Missing Link. The Craggy Island Parochial House. The Spouter Inn. Castle Dracula. The Morbidity Of The Soul. The Curious Tourist. The Father Fahrt. The Silicon Moose. The Buena Vista Social Club. The John Lynch-cum-Conway. The Dean Swift. The Sky On Ice. The Gobstopper. The Grumpy Husband. The Bottle Pok. Kevin’s Wig. Fred West’s Back Garden. The Window Pest. The Broken Spoke. The Fishes Feat. The Old Theatre Royal. The Green Room. The Gasometer. The Pen Corner. The Cycling Salmon. The Whistling Oyster. The Roeless Scallop. Michan’s Crypt. Hatface House.

The Bitches of Eastwick. The Iceman Vomits. The Talented Mr. Dribbly. The Long Good Friday. The Well of the Saints. The Tinker's Daughter. The Tinker’s Curse. The Gobshite's Gallery. The Silence Of The Rams. The Marlon Brandy. The Paul Masson Welles. The Norman Jailer. The Informer. The Bird O’Donnell. The Bull McCabe. The Ghost In The Machine. Long Day's Journey Into Shite. The Deaf Judge. The Blind Ref. The Cuckoo's Nest. The Curate's Egg. Room 101. The Chestnut Tree Cafe. Matt the Jap’s. The Peter Used-To-Smirnoff. Kilmainham Jail. Molly Malone's Mammary. The Tristram Shandy. The Leopold Gloom. No Sex Please, We're British.

The Torn Foreskin. The Lake Isle of Tins-For-Free. ET: The Extra Tuborg. Ryan’s Slaughter. The Riot Man. The Rising Tide. The Eagle House Of Kingstown. The Dumb Waiter. The Shadow of the Vampire. The Louse By The Churchyard. Remembrance Of Things Plastered. In Search Of Lost Wine. Finnegans Woke. Pascal's Pensees. The Unfortunate Fursey. The Athlete's Rest. The Ardee House. The Heron's Nest. The Trauma Mattress. The Hairy Gooch. The Al Keyes. Found Drowned Inn. Bar 111. Gambon’s Finger. Burton’s Cardigan. Keaton’s Briefs. The Buzzing Prong. Mattress Mix. The Giddy Biddies. The Cuckoo’s Nest. Michael D’s.

Toucans of Guinness. Tubergulosis. The Mangan in the Mac. The Aviary Canon. The Seven Stars. Wack Follol De Dah’s. The Silver Swan. Skin The Goat’s. The Steering Wheel. The Twin Towers. The Winter Garden Palace. Maggie’s Crucifix. The Plume of Feathers. The Moist Mattress. The Bunch of Grapes. The Addison Dodge. Hog Hill Inn. The Diceman's Game Shop. The Gaffney Snug. Larry Murphy’s. The Countess. The Eamonn MacThomais. The The Cana Inn. The Toby Jug. Maid of Erin. Scruffy Murphy’s. Houricans Lounge. The Pig and Whistle. The Inn In The Park. The Green Lizard. Tivoli Backstage. The Barn Owl. The Mad Hatter. Jimmy’s Bottoms. Bridget’s Fingers. Doggy Bolands. The Magic Carpet. Major Toms. The Commodore. The Saints and Sinners. Vallence & McGrath. The Man of Achill. The Pigeon’s Appendage. The Straight Priest. The Ball Alley Bar. The Meeting Pint. The Cutty Sark. The Chinaman. The Fifth Lamp. The Haemorrhaging Horse. The Chatty Snake. Down the Hatch. The Red Lion. The Invisible Dribble. The Hidden Waterhole. The Guess Inn. The Be As Him. The Lost Snug. The Hungry Tree. 7 Eccles Street. Miss Douce’s. Miss Kennedy’s. The Ormond Bar. Sirens Bar. The Horrid Hill. The Innferno. The Purgatory Parlour. The Bloody Sausage. The Burning Shawl. Maggie Lamb’s. Jack Rafter’s. The Elbow Inn. The Tin Church. The Poisoned Chalice. The Jesus H. Christ. The Bernard Palmer. The Lousy Acre. The Furry Glen. The Pig’s Cheek. The Dancing Mary. The Albert Potter. The Albert Fini.

The Baldy Bastards. The Bolton Horse. The 27 Steps. The Diamond. The Death Zone. Speakeasy Buzzhard. Behan’s Banjo. The House of Stoneybatter. The Oxmantown Tavern. The Cowtown Lounge. The Ivar Inn. The Norseman Place. The Ostman Bar. The Olaf Road Inn. The Sigurd and Sitric. Thor’s Tavern. Viking Road Inn. Ard Ri Inn. Malachi Road Tavern. Danger Doyles. Master Mariner. The Crowing Cock. The Mean Fiddler. The Welcome Back Inn. The Tilted Wing. Coll’s Cabin. Even Stephens. The Glen Eagle. The Kipper and the Corpse. The Kebab and Calculator. Atmospheric Road Inn. Misery Hill House. Lucky Lane Lounge. Armstrong Walk Inn. Aldrin Walk Inn. Apollo Way House. Eagle Park House. Tranquillity Grove Lounge. The Richard Crosbie Tavern. Morning Star Road Inn. Joy Street Inn. The Bass Place. The Slutsend Inn. Bar 9/11. The Brendan Behan. Paddy Lost in Hyne’s.

The Fly at Squat. Joachim’s Mustache. The Rob or Borrow. The Celebrated Lighter. The Zozimus Tap. The Bourbon and Avocado. Eht Redrum Nni. The Ivan Drago. The Witchroaster. The Bubbling Mug. The Phantom King. Clarke’s Shitty Arms. The Ruined Bar. Farrington’s Foulhouse. The Widow's House of St. Nicholas Without. Finn’s Hotel. The Stag’s Bollox. The Ginger Woman. The Higher Deck. The Halting Tide. The Auld Circle. The Graveswiggers. The Blue Hell. The Lampdarkener. The Portaloo Inn. The Stupid Genius. Through the Fucking-Glass. The Royal Folk. The Honey Pot. Father Pat Noise. The Rattling Brogues. The Tribute Head. The Queen’s Pussy. The Elephant’s Foot. The Owl Hoots. Baboon in The Moon.

Adifferentkettleoffishaltogether. The Cagey Cat. The Quill Inn Ink. The Foggy Stew. Here’s Johnny’s. The House That Jack Spilt. Jack Straws Castle. The Weary Limb. The Century Egg. Why Go Bald? The Times We Live Inn. Sunset on Summerhill. The Lizard of Oz. The Wizard of Grog. The Red Brick Road. Filthy Towers. Charlie and the Chawkelate Factory. Only Stools and Horses. Black Bladder. Harry Porter. The Angel’s Share. The Devil’s Cut. The Beastly Priest. The Gropey Pope. The Funny Nun. The Grumpy Monk. The Luminous Crucifix. The Blind Quay Tavern. Nosey’s Nook. The Rumbling Stomach. The Burning Heart. The Funny Bone. The Pouting Mouth. Phantom Dread. The Cabman’s Shelter. McGruders. The Falcon Horse. The Good Bits of Isaac’s Butt. The Oleaginous Oligarch. Swan Yard Tavern. The Thirsty Tap. Powers Paddy. The Jaunty Buns. The Oxfam John. The Big Wig. The Jabberwocky Inn. The Shitty Schnitzel. The Bashful Cake. The Anthony Hopk Inn. The Shiner.

The Slippery Slipper. The Lucky Fuck. The Combustible Duck. The Cat & The Rat. The Throbbing Cock. The Adelphi Bridge. Shaman’s Brew. The Dripping Tree. The Heavenly House. The Short Hall. The Magpie’s Chatter. The Rook and Caw. The Swan’s Cry. Ralph’s Parrot. I’m of a Mind Makes a Moogie. The Sober Skunk. The Mullioned Snug. The Itchy Bitch. The Glass Spoon. The Jug of Punch. The Banished Ghost. The Outer Inn. The Avoirdupois Hindquarters. The Goblin Stout. The Tuggers. The Dean Swift Square Wink. The Stick of Heinamite. Molyneux Yard Inn. The Tyrone Tax.

Johnny Forty Coats. The Singing Hollow. The Patriots Inn. The Barley Mow. Damn the Weather’s. The Thingmote. The Oscar Wilde. Kate’s Cottage. Patrick Conway’s. Daly’s Bar’n. Sharkey Crean Montgomery’s. The Shipwreck. The Patrick Kavanagh. The Drop of Pure. The Paddy’s Cure. Knobs and Knockers. The Vomiting Comet. The House of Hades. The Limbo Lounge. The Lazy Prick Inn. The Oleaginous Nose. The Cod’s Roe. The Cow’s Tripe. The Witchetty Grub. The Magpie Morris. Paddy Finnegan's. The Final Five. The Samuel Beckett. The Beckoning Finger. The Widow’s Breast. The Hairy Wizard. The Wandering Dudlindore. Gandalf’s Pisspot.

The Holy Hour Inn. The Broken Teetotaller. The Rose Bowl. The Sarah Curran. The Tolka Tavern. The Bobbing Poddle. The Dodder Saloon. The Naniken Inn. The Knocking Owendoher. Court of Appeal. The Fourth Court. Liberty Fall. The Bachelor’s Crawl. The Norseman’s Well. The Fat Cameltoe. Mother Redcaps. The Moy. The Illusion Inn. The Blind Beggar. Captain Shotover's. The Dostoevskyocity. The Vortex. The Boiled Owl. Oh Rourke’s! O’Bama’s. O’Meara’s Irish House. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Noah’s Park. The Phoenix Ark. The Hole in Them All. The Twirly Gate. Croak Park. Hell 16. The Ralph Itches Inn. The Sea Spray Inn. The Lough Inn. House of Blazes. The Holy Lamb. The Sugar Loaf. Massy’s Wood Inn. The Hunchbacked Chiropractor. The Heavy Jockey. The Wig and Pen. The Plough. The Sots Hole. Three Candlesticks. The Sputtering Match. The King’s Cock. The Furry Antler. The Old Flag Afloat. The Talking Horse. The Stone Arrow. The Shane MacThomais. The Lantern Tavern. Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell’s. The Stinking Fly. The Magic Road Inn. The Blue Leg. Kitty O’Shea’s. The Man of Aran. O’Looney’s. The Pigeon House. The Poolbeg Pipes. The Steamy Whistle. The Healthy Elbow. The Farting Arse. The Red Hackle. Pinocchio’s Nose. The Unicorn’s Horn. The Camel’s Straw. Sarah’s Kiosk.

Usher’s Island Alehouse. The Flytrap. Raytown Tavern. The Moon Under Water. The Dome of Coals. The Bat of Wuhan. Quark’s. God’s. Fatberg’s Peak. Kingsland Park Avenue Public House and Licenced Premises of Portobello Dublin 8. The Blue Boar Inn. The Two Chimneys. Pedo’s Cap. Border Watch Inn. Fools Rush Inn. Crudwieser. Sin and Tonic. Craft Tears. The Heineken Maneuver. Tinness. The Lost Quay. The Loosening Screw. The Jungle of Bumpkins. Sonny King’s. Fishamble House. Isolde’s Tower. The House of Strong Water. The Fresh of Breath Air. The Lonesome Cushion. The Spare Chair. The Fallen Hat. The Last Sipper. Bayno 101. Sally’s Gap. The Hairy Hole. The Singing Bowl. The Swiss Cottage. The Winking Sphinx. The Tall Ladder. The Maze of Graves. The Lazy Lords. The Gold Room. [9] Moe’s Tavern. [10] The Republican Publican. The Bloated Float Inn. The Old Man Belfield. Molly and Mrs. Moisel’s. The Hard Stool. The Smashing Pumpkinn. Porcelainn. The Solzhenitsinn. Sop Coughing Lad! Confessions of the Best Man: I’d Ride the Bride. The Bridesmaid’s Fascinator. Bridezilla Returns. A Painful Debridement. A Bridge over the River Bride. Secrets of a Mail Order Bride: I Married His Money.

The Short-Straw Bride. Objection Your Honour – This Is Not my Bride. The Bride and the Brute. Bride Impossible. She Never Said Yes. The Ghost Bride. The Five-Minute Bride. Ginger for the Hesitant Bride: A Wedding Night Figging. [11] The Bride of Darkness. The Devil’s Bride. Bride of Noman. Frankenstein’s. Everlasting Bride. Bride Ever Virgin. Arrayed for the Bridal. Here Comes the Bride. Bride Rebid. Brides Debris. You May Kiss the


[1] The finest, most ornate, most elaborate, most spectacular pub that Dublin City has ever seen or is likely to ever see again. Tragically and unforgivably torn down in 1968 to make way for hideous concrete government buildings. See entry for The Oarsman for more, and click the following links:








[9] ‘Midnight, with the stars and you/midnight and a rendez-vous...’

[10] ‘Home of the world’s smallest large-screen TV.’


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