103) Slattery's of Capel Street and Mary’s Lane, D1
Established in 1870 and purports to be an early-house – certainly well advertised – and is confirmed, 7am is when doors open, a long standing tradition to cater for the once bustling Dublin Corporation Markets further down Mary’s Lane. The Guinness flows and is of high quality and their Edwardian square bar offers lots of places for those inclined to prop it up. However, nowadays Slattery’s is a tourist trap with loud live music, extensive food menus and high prices on the pint. This ‘heritage bar’ has dedicated an entire wall to honouring the 1916 heroes, but look out for the portraits of world leaders and luminaries (Donald Trump, Sharon Stone, the Queen, etc) adorning the toilet walls – all have trousers or dresses down around their ankles, and are seen squatting at stool.
A farting Angela Merkel, as seen in the toilets of Slattery’s
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