251) Grainger’s of Marino, Malahide Road, D3

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We put ourselves at the bar one night in December close to Christmas and enjoyed some stout. Creepy Christmas decorations were on show behind the bar, in particular an old Santa doll which looked more like Satan. Two mature gentlemen sat next to us who were not so stately or considerate. One of them, a former Trinity lecturer was showing his friend a video on his hip little iPad (he’s so up to the minute!) and proceeded to blare out some stupid white noise so that the whole bar had to suffer it. So much for a quiet pint! Grainger’s, minus these two old dickheads trying to be trendy and haven’t heard of headphones, is charming and worthy of a visit. Added bonus, the Beamish floweth, and a fire rises!

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252) Kavanagh's Marino House, Malahide Road, D3


250) Ryan's of Sandymount, D4