257) Coffey's of Emmet Road, Inchicore, D8


(Now sadly permanently shut). First and foremost, Coffey’s was home to a short little man with an astonishingly heavy carpeted wig which demanded and indeed received everyone’s full attention. From the outside the pub looked like a rundown plug hole, but inside was refreshingly large and well kept. It had intricately stained-glass windows and colourful artwork the full length of the walls. It will be sorrowfully missed by local patrons given the economics of their trademark low-cost pints. Now where will carpet-head go? R.I.P.

Coffey’s sad facade, 2023

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258) Tom Tavey's of Emmet Road, Inchicore, D8


256) Glen of Aherlow (Donoghue's) of Emmet Road, Inchicore, D8